A catastrophic injury is an injury that can have severe and permanent disabling effects on an individual.  The person may require future medical care for the rest of their life.  They also may not be able to work again.  Typical catastrophic injuries can include:
1. Severe brain injury
2. Amputations
3. Multiple fractures
4. Burns
5. Damage to organs
6. Spinal cord injuries
Suffering a catastrophic injury obviously has a major impact on person’s life. It also effects family members as they may be put in the position of having to care for the injured person.  An experienced attorney is not only helpful but necessary in securing all damages that the injured person is entitled to, including the future costs of medical care and any future earnings a person may lose due to the catastrophic injury.   An attorney can also be critical in handling convoluted discussions with health insurers who may make the coverage difficult and may seek reimbursed for past and future treatment.  
Catastrophic can be life-altering, but in the wake of one, a person and their family can not merely survive, but thrive. 
Contact us today and let us help you on the road to recovery.