18 Years of Insurance Litigation Experience

My experience as an insurance defense attorney handling many hundreds of these cases gives me the advantage of knowing how these types of cases are handled from the other side. I have handled hundreds of these cases and know them inside and out. I know that the insurance adjuster has to handle a very high volume of cases.

Knowing this fact, provides an advantage to me because I know that I will always be able to put more time and effort into a case than the adjuster. I will always be more prepared and more knowledgeable about the case. This might not help in the short run but it will pay off in the long run when the insurance company finally has makes a realistic settlement offer. As your attorney I make sure the waiting is not a stressful time for the client.

Not only do I know the insurance company perspective but also have worked with the defense attorneys who handle the cases. I know the science that the insurance company will use to try to devalue your case. They will bring their accident reconstructionist who says you could not have been hurt in the accident or that the accident was your fault. They will call their doctors who say your injuries were not caused by the accident.

My expertise in dealing with these folks as a defense attorney gives me an invaluable insight as to how to deal with the experts that they hire.

Distracted driving is commonplace these days

The at-fault driver may not have been paying attention, was speeding or ran a red light. Unfortunately, being distracted does not release a driver from their responsibility for causing an accident that causes an injury or fatality.

If you are one of the thousands of people who are in an auto accident each year, your life has been completely disrupted. If you were injured in the accident, you’re facing not only physical recovery and emotional distress, but also financial consequences due to loss of income and possible loss of employment. The process of filing a claim and receiving fair compensation can be confusing, frustrating and overwhelming. It is my job to handle the claim and legal process so you can focus on getting well. Your case will be thoroughly investigated so your settlement can be maximized.

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