Injuries from a motorcycle accident can be severe even in seemingly minor incidents.

It can be tricky to get full compensation from an insurance claim for a motorcycle accident. Here are four things you should do to ensure you are rightfully compensated:

1. Seek Medical Attention Immediately

Aside from it being the smartest thing to do for your health, without a full examination of your injuries from a medical professional as close to the accident as possible, it is much easier for the insurance company to classify your injuries as minor, and thus reduce or deny your compensation.

There has to be documented medical proof of your injuries within two or three days of the accident, otherwise the insurance company can claim that you sustained the injuries in some other way and are making a false claim.

Without sufficient medical evidence, the court will usually side with the insurance company.

2. Go Through The Full Course of Treatment

Your injuries may be severe enough that you require rehabilitation, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and other long-term treatment.

You are entitled to compensation for this treatment, but you need written documentation that you completed the full recommended course.

Not only it is wise for your health to finish the treatment, but if you quit halfway through the insurance company can claim you weren’t injured enough to undergo treatment and it could work against your whole case.

If you have to miss any part of the treatment for legitimate reasons, make sure it is properly documented.

3. Don’t Sign Anything Without An Attorney Present

This is very important! If an insurance agent presents you with a document to sign at the scene, do not under any circumstances sign it without consulting an attorney first.

Often this form is an agreement to a minor compensation, and it can be extremely difficult to file for anything else once that document is signed.

4. Hire A Professional Attorney

Don’t wait until you are being mistreated by the insurance company to consult an attorney.

They can help explain and simplify the various aspects of your case, making everything much less confusing. They know your rights, and will fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

And if the case goes to court, it is very important to have a competent attorney representing you.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t hesitate to follow these guidelines and to contact us right away.